What We Believe

To grow a community that welcomes and engages all persons to be Christ followers.

To transform the world by transforming lives and building up the next generation of Christ followers.

Our Journey

To know God, love others, and serve the world.

We begin there, but the journey continues every day, in all of us. We believe that Christ calls us to action, sharing our faith, living our faith, and giving our faith space to grow and flourish.

We are a congregation of diverse people who believe that together in Christ, we can raise each other up and celebrate our faith together.

In our church, all are welcomed. All are loved.

All Are Welcome at FUMC

We welcome and affirm all persons. We are intentional in being inclusive of all races and ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities, ages and stages of life, abilities and disabilities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. We are grounded in the gospel of Jesus Christ, which tears down walls and builds up community. We are progressive, relevant, and committed to seeking peace and building hope through worship, service, social justice and education. No matter where you are on your faith journey, or how you worship, we hope you will feel welcome and included.