July 17, 2022 – The Awakened Traveler: Leaving Home

July 17, 2022 – The Awakened Traveler: Leaving Home

Whether you travel far away or see your local surroundings as if for the first time, pilgrimage has long been a spiritual practice, and “journey” a deeply-felt metaphor for our spiritual lives. This summer worship series will encourage us to open ourselves more fully to the curiosity and wonder, reflection and transformation that travelers — not merely tourists — experience when they choose to immerse themselves in soul-widening adventures.

Every new adventure begins by leaving home — whether that is the actual four walls of your house or a metaphorical home. Yet, stepping away from what is familiar can be frightening and uncomfortable. What does the story of the Exodus tell us about setting out with a spirit of discovery and the assurance of God's love?

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July 17, 2022