September 18, 2022 – Do I Stay Christian? Why Are We Asking?
In the last decade, church membership in mainline denominations, and in other faiths in the U.S., has gone steadily down while Christian nationalism has been on a steady rise. Why are people leaving the church - or never coming? How do we respond to people who distrust the church or find it irrelevant? What might the future look like if more Christians committed to living out Jesus's teachings? Christian author, Brian McLaren, addresses these and many other questions about Christianity in the 21st century in his book, Do I Stay Christian? Join us this week for the first in a four-part sermon series based on McLaren's book. This week we'll look at Christianity's identity crisis and how people come to ask "Do I stay Christian?".
Don't forget this week to ask someone who has walked away from church, what is keeping them from participating in church on a regular basis, so you can share, in one word, at Sunday's service.