Tuesdays Together

Nourishing the mind, body & soul

In the fall of 2023, we kicked off our first six-week program to nourish the mind, body and soul called Tuesdays Together. On Tuesday evenings, everyone was invited to the church to enjoy a community meal together followed by intentional explorations. Around 40 people joined us for these six weeks of fellowship and meaningful conversations.

Tuesdays Together in Lent

We offered another Tuesdays Together experience for Lent 2024. Each week we gathered for a dinner by FedUp Ministries, a brief worship time and fun, intergenerational activities to bring us closer to one another and give meaning to our Lent journey.

A reflective walk through Easter

Our last Tuesdays Together in Lent was a fun, memorable, reflective walk through the morning of the first Easter. We stepped into the pages of Glenys Nellist’s book, Twas the Morning of Easter, and imagined what it may have felt like to be the guards at the tomb, or Mary seeing Jesus for the first time. We made an earthquake and shouted the good news together as we prepared our hearts and minds for Easter.

Interested in participating in future Tuesdays Together? Email info@fumc-a2.org.