FUMC Finances

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16

Perhaps John 3:16 has become a little worn with its ubiquitous signage at sports events. It is, though, a succinct summation of our faith – God gives so that we may live. It is true on so many levels.

Scripture makes it clear that there is a symbiotic relationship between giving and living. It is hard to have one without the other. Christ gave of himself so that we may have life. Parents give of themselves so that their children may have life. You give to the church so that the ministry of Jesus Christ may have life through our gathering, mission, and service.

Reciprocally, living enhances giving. Living wholly in the grace of God frees us in ways that inspire us to give. Jesus said, “There is no greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for a friend.” When we experience the abundant life that is ours in Jesus, there is a natural inclination to give of ourselves because we become acutely aware that all we have is gifted to us by God.

We live to give and we give to live. There are so many ways to participate in this truth. One important way is financially giving to the church. We are so fortunate to have a church that is vital and faithful. One reason this is true is because so many of you are generous with your time, talents, and money.

Your faithfulness in living and giving will help our church do the same.


As we think about our pledge to the church, it really has less to do with supporting the church budget and more to do with what satisfies our heart, what brings peace to our spirit, and what we find personally meaningful.

We ask that everyone make a commitment, even if you can only make a limited financial contribution at this time. You can always increase or decrease your commitment if your situation changes by calling the church office.

If you have questions regarding the online form, please call Marty Javornisky at (734) 662-4536.

Interested in more information about our budget? Our current budget may be found here